Orleans Parish Clerks file important documents and preserve municipal records in order to maintain an archive for their municipality that can be accessed by the public in Orleans Parish, LA. The Clerk's Office is an important source for Orleans Parish crime records. Multiple court records can be obtained through the Clerk's Office, including Orleans Parish criminal case records for felonies, misdemeanors, and traffic infractions. Many Clerk's Offices provide online access to court records as well as online criminal history searches.
Jefferson Parish Clerk New Orleans LA 1221 Elmwood Park Boulevard, Ste 503 70123 504-736-6397 Suggest Edit
Natchitoches Parish Clerk New Orleans LA 421 Loyola Avenue 70112 504-407-0000 Suggest Edit
Orleans Parish Clerk New Orleans LA 2700 Tulane Avenue 70119 504-658-9000 Suggest Edit
St Tammany Parish Clerk New Orleans LA 400 Royal Street 70130 504-310-2300 Suggest Edit
Orleans Parish Courts maintain records on their cases and make these documents available to the public, including criminal records for felonies and misdemeanors, criminal violations, and traffic infractions in Orleans Parish, LA. There are many types of Orleans Parish courts, including municipal, district, superior, and appellate courts. You will need to know the Orleans Parish Criminal Court of record and have a name or the case number in order to locate a court case. Many courts also provide docket information for ongoing cases. Court records can often be requested online.
Jefferson District Court II New Orleans LA 1221 Elmwood Park Boulevard 70123 504-736-6390 Suggest Edit
Louisiana Supreme Court New Orleans LA 400 Royal Street 70130 504-310-2551 Suggest Edit
New Orleans City Court New Orleans LA 225 Morgan Street 70114 504-368-4245 Suggest Edit
New Orleans Drug Court New Orleans LA 1555 Poydras Street 70112 504-568-2025 Suggest Edit
New Orleans Municipal Court New Orleans LA 727 South Broad Street 70119 504-658-9700 Suggest Edit
New Orleans Traffic Court I New Orleans LA 225 Morgan Street 70114 504-658-8500 Suggest Edit
New Orleans Traffic Court II New Orleans LA 727 South Broad Street 70119 504-658-8500 Suggest Edit
Orleans Civil District Court New Orleans LA 421 Loyola Avenue 70112 504-592-9275 Suggest Edit
Orleans Parish District Court New Orleans LA 2700 Tulane Avenue 70119 504-658-9100 Suggest Edit
Orleans Parish Juvenile Court New Orleans LA 421 Loyola Avenue 70112 504-658-9555 Suggest Edit
Orleans Parish District attorneys are charged with prosecuting crimes in Orleans Parish, LA. The District Attorney's Office makes information on ongoing Orleans Parish criminal cases and upcoming court dates available to the public. Most District Attorney's Offices provide online access to current and recent Orleans Parish criminal records, excluding juvenile records and cases sealed by the court. If you need information on an ongoing criminal case, the District Attorney's Office can give you important information about the defendants involved in the case.
Orleans Parish District Attorney New Orleans LA 619 South White Street 70119 504-822-2414 Suggest Edit
Orleans Parish Jails and Prisons maintain records on current and former inmates in Orleans Parish, LA. This information is accessible to the public through the relevant Department of Corrections (DOC) or the Federal Bureau of Prisons. These Orleans Parish crime records contain information on a criminal's conviction and sentence, the facility where an inmate is incarcerated, and release dates. In order to locate jail and prison records, you will need a last name and supporting information such as an identification number, date of birth, and the inmate's incarceration status. Orleans Parish Jail and prison records are available online through county, state, or federal databases.
Mcdaniels Transitional Work Center New Orleans LA 225 South Broad Avenue 70119 504-827-8520 Suggest Edit
New Orleans City Youth Center New Orleans LA 850 South White Street 70119 504-827-8570 Suggest Edit
Opsco South White St Female Division New Orleans LA 850 South White Street 70119 504-822-8000 Suggest Edit
Orleans House Of Detention New Orleans LA 2800 Gravier Street 70119 504-822-8000 Suggest Edit
Orleans Justice Center New Orleans LA 2800 Perdido Street 70119 504-202-9339 Suggest Edit
Orleans Parish Broad St Work Release New Orleans LA 225 South Broad Street 70119 504-827-8520 Suggest Edit
Orleans Parish Conchetta Jail New Orleans LA 2620 Tulane Avenue 70119 504-822-8000 Suggest Edit
Orleans Parish Corrections New Orleans LA 531 South Broad Street 70119 504-822-8000 Suggest Edit
Orleans Parish Prison New Orleans LA 2735 Perdido Street 70119 504-827-8516 Suggest Edit
Orleans Parish Temporary Jails New Orleans LA 2750 Perdido Street 70119 504-822-8000 Suggest Edit
Orleans Templeman Phase V Jail New Orleans LA 3100 Perdido Street 70119 504-822-8000 Suggest Edit
Orleans Temporary Detention Center New Orleans LA 3200 Perdido Street 70119 Suggest Edit
Youth Study Center New Orleans LA 1100 Milton Street 70122 504-658-3400 Suggest Edit
Orleans Parish Police Departments maintain records on criminal arrests, incidents reported to the police, and other criminal records in Orleans Parish, LA. Many of these Orleans Parish police records are available to the public, including 911 incident response reports, police incident reports, and witness statements in certain departments. Logs of Orleans Parish criminal arrests and search warrants are also public records. Some police records, particularly those involving ongoing cases or sensitive information, are sealed. Orleans Parish police departments provide online access to crime records online.
Cresent City Connection Police Department New Orleans LA 2001 Mardi Gras Boulevard 70114 Suggest Edit
Delgado Community College Police New Orleans LA 615 City Park Avenue 70119 Suggest Edit
Loyola University New Orleans University Police New Orleans LA 6363 Saint Charles Avenue 70118 504-865-3434 Suggest Edit
New Orleans City Park Police New Orleans LA 1 Palm Drive 70124 Suggest Edit
New Orleans Harbor Police Port Of New Orleans New Orleans LA Third Street 70113 504-528-3371 Suggest Edit
New Orleans Police Department New Orleans LA 715 South Broad Avenue 70119 504-658-5858 Suggest Edit
New Orleans Police Department 1st District New Orleans LA 501 North Rampart Street 70112 504-658-6010 Suggest Edit
New Orleans Police Department 2nd District New Orleans LA 4317 Magazine Street 70115 504-658-6020 Suggest Edit
New Orleans Police Department 3rd District New Orleans LA 1700 Moss Street 70119 504-658-6030 Suggest Edit
New Orleans Police Department 4th District New Orleans LA 1348 Richland Road 70114 504-658-6040 Suggest Edit
New Orleans Police Department 5th District New Orleans LA 3900 North Claiborne Avenue 70117 504-658-6050 Suggest Edit
New Orleans Police Department 6th District New Orleans LA 1930 Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard 70113 504-658-6060 Suggest Edit
New Orleans Police Department 7th District New Orleans LA 10101 Dwyer Road 70127 504-658-6070 Suggest Edit
New Orleans Police Department 8th District New Orleans LA 334 Royal Street 70130 504-658-6080 Suggest Edit
Orleans Levee District Police New Orleans LA 6920 Franklin Avenue 70122 Suggest Edit
Tulane University Health Science Center Public Safety - Downtown Campus New Orleans LA 1430 Tulane Avenue 70112 504-568-2311 Suggest Edit
Tulane University Police Department New Orleans LA 6823 Saint Charles Avenue 70118 504-865-5381 Suggest Edit
University Of New Orleans Police Department New Orleans LA Levee Road 70131 504-280-6000 Suggest Edit
Orleans Parish Sheriffs maintain records on criminal arrests, incidents reported to the sheriff, traffic collision reports, and other criminal records in Orleans Parish, LA. Some sheriff's criminal records, particularly those involving ongoing cases or sensitive information, are not available to the public. Sheriff's Offices provide access to incident reports if you know some basic information about the incident, and provide useful information Orleans Parish criminal background checks.
Orleans Parish Civil Sheriffs Office New Orleans LA 421 Loyola Avenue, 403 70112 504-523-6143 Suggest Edit
Orleans Parish Criminal Sheriffs Office New Orleans LA 2800 Gravier Street 70119 504-827-8501 Suggest Edit
Orleans Parish Town Halls and City Halls are the chief administrative offices that runs the town or city in Orleans Parish, LA. Town Halls and City Halls maintain records related to the locality, including criminal records. Many provide online access to local Orleans Parish crime reports.
New Orleans City Hall New Orleans LA 1300 Perdido Street 70112 504-658-4000 Suggest Edit
St Gabriel Town Hall New Orleans LA 5035 Iberville St 70119 225-642-9600 Suggest Edit